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“The Unvarnished Truth”

Saying what needs to be heard with the goal of achieving clarity, improving results or saving money – is a promise we take seriously. We’re committed to cutting through red tape and bringing new information to the table in an effort to fast track results.

Speaking the unvarnished truth is about ‘doing the right thing’ and ‘being accountable’ – rather than simply going through the motions with an attitude of indifference.

Whatever it Takes

Late nights, early mornings or weekends to hit a timeline – we make it happen. We have business owners, trades people and developers depending on us, not just to get the job done – but to get it done right, and on time. What does that mean? It means we don’t have the luxury (or patience) to deal with clock punching or indifference when it comes to keeping our word.


We plan, execute and fine tune with an F1 mindset.

Tyson Wheaton


[email protected]

Alex Normandeau


[email protected]

George Breau

GBro Framing & Finishes Division Manager

[email protected]

Steve Kelly

Senior Field Support Manager

[email protected]

Chantal Leger


[email protected]

Jason Carnahan

Vice President of Construction

[email protected]

Growing our Team with Talent

Job Positions Available

Framing & Finishing Carpenter